ExceptioNULL Games - Finder's Sweepers

Finder's Sweepers

Find treasure in this new and inventive "Reverse Minesweeper" game of the year!

Jungle landscape with temples in the background

Sweep for Treasures!

Finder's Sweepers gameplay screenshot

Find Hidden Items!

Top of treasure chest Treasure chest item of a gold eagle Bottom of treasure chest
Top of treasure chest Treasure chest item of a gold eagle Bottom of treasure chest

Beware of Traps!

Screenshot of a trap in Finder's Sweepers
Trap of spikes and a skull

Explore New Lands!

Beach treasure map Jungle treasure map
Old jungle gate with a star

Coming Soon!

Inspired by the classic Minesweeper genre comes a new type of puzzle game.

Go on a treasure-hunting adventure as you discover exciting artifacts, new lands, and dangerous encounters.

Solve mind-boggling and risk-taking puzzles you can play for hours.

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